Wednesday, October 6, 2010

In Triplicate Veritas

Having come around to the fact that this art business thing does snot necessarily come easily to me, I have spent a lot more time than usual venting to my friends. Venting is as healthy as it sounds. It's not complaining, commiserating or whining. It's letting off steam, right? Letting the cloud disperse. And outside all that noise, I can get a little bit of clarity, a little perspective. During one particularly unpleasant steam-letting session, I discovered I need to organize this thing into shifts if any of the me are going to get any rest, and therefore do a good job. I thought this information might be helpful to another person who may be struggling with competing professional desires in the same mind. I have labeled these three me as follows: The Artist, the CEO/Gold Digger and the Santa Mariposa. They are each signed in the headspace check-in sheet, and let no one step on the toes of another. That means one at a time. That means when I'm in a business meeting, my head is present, all of me is present. And when I'm in front of a canvas, I'm not thinking about being anywhere else. The Gold Digger doesn't come on til two, so I have a few hours to just be a painter, you know? Between the three of us, I may actually keep this little vessel bobbing above the deep.

The Artist: This one seems fairly self-explanatory, but maybe it gets forgotten a little. Beneath all the networking, marketing, research, bookkeeping and schmoozing, the art is all there is. This is the meat of the whole sandwich (giant grilled portabella for the rabbit-fooders). They say it's only 10% talent, but garlic bread is probably only 10% garlic. So, above all else, if I have energy for only one of me, it has to be the Artist. I never want to talk myself up a good game and have nothing to deliver when it comes due. But my Artist has no interest in spreadsheets and business plans, in even leaving the house. She has to clock the f- out at some point or this just stays a very passionate basement hobby.

The CEO/Gold Digger: If the Artist is the heart, this is the forever grinding gear collection of a machine where a brain should be. When the CEO/GD punches in, I can put down the brushes and take off the smock because this me is not concerned with creating art, only opportunites. I call her a gold digger, because she has income at the forefront, but she's also the one who does the scheduling, follows up on leads, researchges companies the other two me want to work with, etc. This me loves lists, notes, Post-its, emailing, composing correspondence, and formatting contracts. Don't ask this me about light source, but give her a pad of paper and we can map out my next five moves in five minutes.

The Santa Mariposa: This is the bridge that holds the other two together. This me is not interested in composition and line and texture and light and blah blah. This me could not care less about the merits of digital calendars. She is neither a barracuda nor a dandelion seed. This is where I am absolutely free to be out of either aspect of my business mind and just make friends. This is the butterfly. I actually do enjoy people, and meeting new ones is many times a pleasure. The "Santa" portion of the title might suggest some kind of higher enlightened state, I just mean that this me befriends, welcomes, engages with whoever passes in front of me. And the "Mariposa" speaks for itself. This me is social to say the least. That's not to say, a party girl. In this mindset, I can talk freely and openly with people about my art almost as an outsider, since this me had nothing to do with making it. I smile and shake hands, say a person's name three times to remember it, exchange numbers, business cards, make plans, make friends. I just can't be the kind of artist who watches a video of her opening while sequestered in her tower, you know? I don't want to be separated from my art. A person doesn't have to like me to like what I do, of course, and vice versa, but I would at least like them to know who I am a little.

And that's about it. They key to juggling these three is scheduling. I don't know how many more or less you might need to perform whatever it is you're about, but this is my basic three. That may change, since I'm really just figuring much of this out. But I was pleased to learn I had a way of slicing and serving the pie instead of everyone jumping in at once. Damn, I do use a ton of metaphors don't I? Analogies? I'm like a pole cat in a Scooby-Doo facotry! No? No. Ahem...anyway.

What used to happen is that I would have a little free time and everyone in my head would start speaking at once. I should use this time to research grants or sort through and catalog my photographic references. I should use this time to polish that painting I'm just about done with. I should use this time to call that couple back and thank them for their interest. All of those avcenues seem worthwhile, but I was going crazy trying to decide what took priority. So, here I am in triplicate. It's strange how splitting myself into distinct personality types/career skills has actually made me feel less insane. I hope that helps. For anyone in a similar position, any tips?
