Monday, September 6, 2010

On The Eve Of My...

This is what I found I had written in the wee hours a few nights ago on a piece of paper, on the back of my to-do list:

"As dangerous as it is to be hopeful, it's the only way to be. Defense, offense, the law of gravity, attraction, positive tension. The theory of relativity. Intuition, precision, marksmanship, design and marketing. I wish I had some tools to understand this with. That's what business school, marketing, is for! I have to hope I recognize a lesson when it arrives instead of knowing what to look for. Yes, luck, but also presence, awareness, an ability to step outside myself (because otherwise - insecure), and yes, hopefulness too. Am I inviting my own demise? Why would I do that? This is one of the times I can say for really real I have no fear of success. Fucking subconscious is a sticky wicket! No doubt. But I feel more a sense of calm in the face of unavoidable downfall. Like I was tired of waiting for it, glad it's here. But I also feel a strong sense of transition. This miserable complacency vanishes in the face of something else. I am ready to move forward, to ascend a little. Fuck all other options. I remind myself to keep an eye on it, whatever it is. I guess I'll know it when I see it."

Bit of a midnight rambler, but I can dig it.

Whatever I want I can work for, maybe even get it. But the thing for me is just to do it. I protect my right to perform my craft to the best of my ability, and I pursue the opportunities for me to present said craft doggedly. That's the hustle. And while the hustle can get dirty (physically, emotionally, spiritually), it is never without worth or impact. That means I get out what I put in. The work is never done, but the work is the thing, so who's looking for an end?

Every day new bliss(ters)


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